Java Burn Review - Is This "In-Coffee" Weight Loss Supplement Worth Buying?

Our team loves coffee and tested Java Burn ourselves to speak from our own experience. Results and facts are here!

Posted on October 20th, 2021 

(Disclaimer: this Java Burn Supplement review is an independent evaluation of the supplement and is not meant to represent the brand, company, or any of it’s business assets)

What is the Java Burn Supplement?

Java Burn is said to be the world’s first and only natural proprietary, patent-pending formula, that when combined with coffee, can increase both the speed and efficiency of metabolism.

Java Burn is manufactured at a FDA-inspected facility with a combination of all natural ingredients, which gives great relief in terms of quality and side effects. 

Additionally, it is said to not need the help of intense exercise or diets to provide the promise of shedding the extra pounds by optimizing the metabolism of its consumers.


How does Java Burn work? 
Can Java Burn really boost my metabolism with its patent-pending formula? 
Are there any side effects that I should be aware of? 
How do I avoid getting scammed? 
We will we go into great details about all that below.

This detailed Java Burn review provides a full breakdown of the product' pros and cons so that you can make a well informed decision before purchasing, and it's based on our team member's research and experience.

We've included some scammy tricks going on online regarding Java Burn that you must avoid!

We’ll be sharing our findings, some personal results from team members and final thoughts in just a moment so stay tuned!

If you just want to skip ahead to get the product from the official Java Burn site click right here!

How Does Java Burn Work?

While instantly boosting your health, energy and well-being at the same time...

Java Burn promotes an optimized metabolism rate, hormones balancing and body detox, all while drinking coffee (or the beverage of your choice).

It only requires that you use it combined with your favorite coffee on a daily basis, or with your favorite beverage.

Even though you can have it with your favorite beverage, Java Burn vendor strongly recommends that you take it with coffee due to its unique formula which works better with coffee.

Some of its main benefits include:

✔️ ​Loss of weight through its metabolism enhancing formula.

​✔️ Helps curb the unhealthy desire for junk foods and sweets.

​✔️ Increases energy levels as a good side effect of weight loss overall health improvement.

​✔️ Decreases hunger & cravings.

​✔️ Fat burning as another benefit of optimized metabolism.

How To Take Java Burn?

According to Java Burn’s vendor you should take one pouch per day with coffee (or with your favorite beverage).

Java Burn was created to be a self sufficient diet supplement, so you should not need to be taking any additional diet supplement on top of it.

However, it always makes sense to follow a healthy food regimen and/or an exercise plan along the way, if possible, as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Sleeping enough time (whatever works best for you, usually 6 to 10 hours straight at night) is also recommended because it always helps with any change that the body is experimenting.

Java Burn Ingredients – What's In The Pouch?

Before even evaluating any supplement, we always make sure to check out the ingredients inside. We recommend you do the same so that you can be sure of what you are consuming. 

Thankfully in this Java Burn review, we’ve already listed them out for you.

Here’s the list of the key ingredients found in Java Burn and their main benefits:

✔️ L-Carnitine - Helps regulate blood sugar levels and blood pressure. It also helps to reduce the risk of type two (2) diabetes and improves metabolism to burn calories.

​✔️ L-Theanine - It is one of the few amino acids that are listed for Java Burn and can be combined with caffeine to increase the product’s ability to burn fat. It also helps reduce the extra fat in the stomach, arms, and legs. Furthermore, it can help reduce toxins and improve the brain’s function.

​✔️ Chromium-Enriched Yeast - This key ingredient keeps the body from storing excess sugar and helps it use glucose when needed to provide energy more efficiently to the body.

​✔️ Green Tea - It is well known for lowering stress and anxiety. Cortisol can trigger weight gain, as a cause of accumulating stress. By reducing cortisol, users can see a reduction in their stress levels and place less strain on the body, while helping the body relax to lose weight.

​✔️ Cherry - The Java Burn supplement has a significant amount of cherries, which are high in antioxidants that aid in detoxification. They also greatly help to provide an efficient metabolism rate.

​✔️ Carrot - This vegetable was included in the formula because it is a good source of fiber. It can improve your digestion and it can help you lose weight by suppressing your appetite.

Java Burn's Pros & Cons


Contains 100% natural ingredients that are safe to consume for the general public and is non-GMO.

It’s convenient to use, only requiring one pouch per day.

Helps protect the brain and cognitive decline.

Helps curb food cravings that could be causing weight gain.

60 day money back guarantee. If it doesn't work for you within 60 days you can ask for your money back and they'll refund you 100% - no questions asked.

FDA Approved Lab – the production of Java Burn comes from an FDA approved facility in the USA which ensures that quality and consumer safety are well taken care of.

Patent-pending formula. Most diet supplements are not really as unique as being able to file a patent request to certify its uniqueness, but Java Burn proves with this that it is indeed unique.


The official Java Burn is currently available online only on approved websites. NOT on Amazon or other retailers.

It might not work within a few days of usage. We believe that it requires consistency like with any other good supplement. However, everyone is different and it might actually work quickly for you.

Not made to work on younger people. People that want to lose weight, whom are in their "teens" might not see results because Java Burn is unlikely to target the root cause of younger people's overweight issue.

Who Is Java Burn Good For?

Java Burn can be used in general for anyone above 20 years old of any gender. However, there are certain groups of people that should not use this supplement.

🚫 Pregnant women – it is not advisable to take any weight loss supplement when you are pregnant.

🚫 ​Post-pregnancy – it is not recommended to consume any weight loss supplement immediately after pregnancy, especially if you are also breastfeeding your baby.

​🚫 People on Medication/Illness – if you are currently on any type of medication or underlying health condition, please do check with your doctor before consuming any form of weight loss supplements to be 100% sure.

​🚫 Anyone with a history of eating disorders should not take supplements marketed towards weight loss.

If you are ever in doubt, please consult your doctor or dietitian before consuming not just Java Burn, but before taking any health supplements.

Any Known Side Effects?

Java Burn follows GMP standards, which means that it adheres to Good Manufacturing Practices, so the high quality of both their ingredients and the product overall is guaranteed. On top of this, Java Burn is FDA certified.

However, you should always use common sense and if you think you may be allergic to any of the ingredients in the formula, then you should not use it. Or if you have a medical condition you should ask for your doctor’s clearance before using Java Burn.

Java Burn is made using the latest equipment and then put through third party inspections and quality control to guarantee the safest possible product.

Java Burn Supplement Pricing

Here’s the pricing for the pouches of Java Burn:
✔️ 1 Pouch: $49 - single pouch container with 30 days supply, but highest price per unit.

✔️ 3 Pouches: $39 per pouch - good value option with 90 days supply, with higher chance to see benefits over time than with a single pouch.

✔️ 6 Pouches: $34 per pouch - best value option with 180 days supply and the best cost to keep seeing results in the long run.

Ordering a bundle option (3 or 6 pouches) is obviously the most cost effective option if you decide to purchase. 

Most likely you'll start seeing solid results after a few weeks and if you buy the single pouch you'll be wanting to get more before you run out of supply.

You'll surely want to have enough supply once you start seeing results, after a few weeks of using the supplement before you run out, so we recommend you get a 3 or 6 pouches bundle.

Our Team's Results!

As we told you before, some of our team members love coffee, need to lose weight and agreed to try Java Burn so that we can advice based on our own experience, rather than depending on other people's results. 

If it didn't work, we would just return it within 60 days for a full refund.

You'll see that after the results that we had none of us had to return Java Burn.

The following are the results after 8 weeks of usage of the Java Burn supplement taking 1 pouch per day with coffee.

Luis (51 y/o): He lost 29 pounds in 8 weeks! Other than this obviously great achievement, he says he's feeling like his memory has improved, which could be from the "protect the brain and cognitive decline" benefit of the supplement. He still needs to lose at least another 20 lbs, so he'll keep using it for a while.

Missy (59 y/o): She wouldn't try any other supplement because she knew she'd forget to take it. Not the case with Java Burn because she just had to have it next to her coffee. She lost 18 lbs after the 8 weeks that she tried it. She also reports to feel more energized during this time. She also loved the fact that it didn't change the flavor of her coffee.

Susan (39 y/o): This mother of five used to be a full time triathlete who ended up becoming overweight as she changed her lifestyle to that of a stay home mom (similar to other cases in our team). Her being a coffee addict that also needed to lose weight decided to try Java Burn and within the 8 weeks period lost 22 lbs. Her energy levels went back up and she started running again, with the goal of eventually going back to triathlon.

​Vernon (61 y/o): Like others, Vernon was attracted by the fact that Java Burn only needed to be added to his coffee every day. He reported to have been inconsistent in using it every day, by missing two or three days each week. He still managed to lose 15 lbs, even after being that inconsistent.

Karlem (46 y/o): She was the one that convinced everyone else to try the supplement, after losing 34 pounds in 8 weeks. She actually inspired this whole review because she also has testimonies of friends and family that have also had great results, so we had no choice but to try Java Burn ourselves and put this review together.

These people initially ordered the 3 Pouches - 90 days supply option, but given these results they are all ordering the biggest Java Burn bundle (6 Pouches - 180 Days Supply) before they run out of pouches so that they can keep further improving their results (especially Karlem, who bought several bundles).

Some are even ordering several 6 pouches bundles for friends and relatives!

Java Burn Review – Conclusion

We wouldn't say that Java Burn is a "lose weight only" supplement, but it also works well to enhance your overall health, brain functions and energy levels due to its patent-pending formula as explained above.

We don't think that you'll see quick results, so most likely you will after a few weeks of usage. Make sure to get a bundle (3 or 6 pouches) if you decide to purchase for better cost.

The 60 days 100% money-back guarantee gives anyone a great relieve when feeling skeptical of trying it out, even after being convinced by the facts on this review.

Again, it might not work quickly. We wished this was something we could use and reap all its benefits fast, but we had to be disciplined and use it every day to see the best results (except for Vernon's case, as you already saw above).

Some of us started seeing results after the few days of usage. Others saw results from the fourth week, etc., so it varies from person to person.

If you decide to purchase, make sure you do it through the official link so that it is a recognized purchase and the quality is guaranteed!

Quick tip (again): we recommend you buy the larger bundles where the price per pouch is much lesser and you make it well worth your money!

Video Reviews By External Users

We've given you our review on Java Burn based on our team's experience using it and, even though we don't want to overwhelm you with endless reviews that you can't really verify, we understand that you might still be skeptical about taking the leap and buying it.

Because of that, we decided to gather a couple of reviews that come from users that are not part of our team so you can take the perspective from people not related to us.

For example, here's a review from a lady who shares the facts that you've already seen in this review, confirming that these are consistent with what we've shared with you.
And here's another and more thorough review, now from a male's perspective. He a warning about not buying Java Burn from other site that is not the official one and gives even deeper insights than the previous video because he focuses on doing supplement reviews, as he explains.


A BIG WARNING regarding purchasing Java Burn...

People tend to create websites that look identical to supplements like the Java Burn official one!

Java Burn is ONLY available through its official website!

Their official website is, NOT ANY OTHER!


Not even from Amazon! Please avoid being scammed!

So, Is Java Burn a scam?

YESSS, but only if you buy from a site other than

Simply to avoid these scam versions, you just need to do ONE THING!

Buy the supplement ONLY from the official website.

That’s it!

So, again...what is the official website for Java Burn? - Click Here To View It!

We hope that you've found this review of Java Burn helpful and finally made your decision about this product.

Also be sure to share this scam alert with your friends. It's not easy to know it. Our team put a lot of work and research to detect this scam. Simply click on your favorite social media to share:
Java Burn Customer Reviews:

“This takes its time to show results so don’t be scared if not much happens in the first week or so of taking it. The first week didn’t yield anything for me but after day 10 nice things started happening. By week 2 I lost my first 3 lbs then by week 3 it was a total of 6 lbs and after my first month I had lost 8 lbs. It’s a great result for me because it also seems to be staying down! The weight is not coming back which is what I really want. I don’t want a quick fix and then the weight comes back! I want something more permanent.”


“I didn’t think much of it back when I ordered my first bottle. I had tried a few similar supplements that worked so and so. The first two weeks were pretty much uneventful but I knew this needed some time so I continued. Week 3 was very good and I lost 5 lbs. After another 2 weeks I was at 13 lbs lost. Now I’m into my 6th month, with a grand total of 36 lbs lost! And I’m never feeling hungry, I always have plenty of energy and I sleep great.”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐I'm down 4 belt notches without trying

"For the first time in my life I have targeted fat in areas of my body I thought was impossible... my sugar cravings are gone and my appetite has decreased dramatically. Thirdly I feel stronger and fitter. I am even finding movement and exercise easier and more enjoyable again."

Michael Bower

“No side effects noticed after 3 months. Total weight lost: drum rolls please… 24 lbs! Is it much? For me, it’s an amazing result! And it seems much easier for me to actually stay within my current weight which is the end goal. Who cares if you lose 10 lbs in a week if 2 weeks after that you’re back where you started or even worse, much worse.”

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